I am trying to use an existing license with the latest Synplify Pro release and it returns an error message saying:
The license key and data feature do not match. This usually happens when a license file has been altered.
This license works with older Synplify Pro releases and is not expired. How do I resolve this?
If you see the error above while using a license file that was working with an older version of Synplify Pro, you need to request a new license to work with the new version of Synplify Pro.
- Log into your Achronix support portal account. If you do not yet have a support portal account, please refer to "How Do I Register for an Achronix Support Account?" to register and set up your account.
- Once logged in, click the link "Submit a request" located next to your user name.
- Select ACE License Request Ticket under "Submit a request".
- Once the ticket form is selected, a number of ticket fields are revealed. Complete the form. You can choose only Synplify Pro on the Software pull-down menu to receive only a Synplify Pro license. Click Submit when done.
- Once your license is approved, you will receive an automatic email notification (with your license files attached) when this ticket is solved.
- Refer to the ACE Installation and Licensing User Guide (UG002) on our website to help you through the process of installing the tools and setting up the licenses.
Technical Support
If you have technical questions, please log into the Achronix Support Portal, our web-based ticket management application to file a "General Support Issue" ticket. Alternately, once your support account is set up, questions can be sent via email to This will automatically log the issue in our support system. Feel free to file separate tickets for each issue you see.